The Redeemed Christian Church of God Family Praise Chapel


Aug 12, 2020

Dealing with discouragement and the attacks of the devil.
Nehemiah’s experience Chapters 4/6
Ephesians 6:11

Strategies from Nehemiah
Stand up to the threats of the enemy against your soul through prayer, planning and determination. This is your duty (not that of an angel) Nehemiah 4:1-15
Remember – we all face the temptation to quit I Cor. 10:13; Jer. 12:15

Strategies from Nehemiah
Deal with the trickery of the devil to expose you to pain. Don’t leave your place of protection.
Satan uses subtle deception and plausible sounding appeals, but his intent is to destroy us.
Stay connected to people who will protect your life. Nehemiah 6:1-4

Strategies from Nehemiah 6
Learn to handle subtle suggestions or rumors or side talk that distract you from your primary focus.
Look for something to do.
Nehemiah 6:5-9

Strategies from Nehemiah 6
Remember, Satan and discouragers are experts in intimidation – some even use the name of God to intimidate.
He can use prophets or MOG or WOG to scare you into wrong behavior that will ruin you.
Neh. 6:10-14

Strategies from Nehemiah 6
Remember, wherever you find yourself, there will always be a mixed multitude
There are so many voices today in our heads and hearts crying for attention – learn to hear and stay focused on the voice of God and the voice of reason Neh 6:15-19