“And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make a help meet for him.”
Genesis 2:18

Why the need for couple’s fellowship?
God the creator of man did not create man to be alone. Every man and woman needs a companion. Two spirit filled individuals in holy matrimony will help each other to fulfill the will of God. ”Iron sharpened iron”. The power of two is unimaginable. I will say congratulations to those of us who have found that person.
The purpose of God for our marriages and the will of God for us will be shadows and illusions unless husband and wife are in Unity. This UNITY is what the devil is trying to destroy. Destroying unity in marriages affects not only the couples involved. It affects the children, finances, health, the church and the community as a whole. It is time for the two people involved in marriage to go back to the dating period.
Let husband and wife re-discover each other all over again. Spend quality time together. Let us incorporate acts of kindness and oneness into our marriages and stop taking each other for granted. God intended marriage to be rosy, romantic and enjoyable, therefore, let us keep the candle burning. Welcome to the couple’s fellowship.
The purpose of God for our marriages and the will of God for us will be shadows and illusions unless husband and wife are in Unity. This UNITY is what the devil is trying to destroy. Destroying unity in marriages affects not only the couples involved. It affects the children, finances, health, the church and the community as a whole. It is time for the two people involved in marriage to go back to the dating period.
Let husband and wife re-discover each other all over again. Spend quality time together. Let us incorporate acts of kindness and oneness into our marriages and stop taking each other for granted. God intended marriage to be rosy, romantic and enjoyable, therefore, let us keep the candle burning. Welcome to the couple’s fellowship.